Thursday, February 18, 2010

CTC and Social Media

The CTC (Canadian Tourism Commission) is doing great things.

A 2009 campaign consisting of 15 sec user generated videos aired for nine weeks. Results showed the campaign had a higher recall then print. The videos achieved a higher click through then banner ads alone. The success of the campaign was also the fact that it was backed up with relevant web content.

350 of social media content were created and seeded during the campaign. Demand for the material was overwhelming, and reaction to the content in social media spaces was positive.

A viral facebook quiz was created as well as a Twitter delivery schedule so that tweets would be consistent, timely and useful.

Through the national asset development program 10-15 experiences from each province were highlighted via video.

I learned all this at a CTC presentation at Canada eConnect. I urge you to check out the CTC site and browse around. Follow them on facebook and learn from their example.

Check out their You Tube channel

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Maximize your DMO/ PMO presence

One of the sessions at the conferences was called Leveraging Partnerships and Maximizing Marketing Dollars.

One of the best tidbits from this panel of experts was this fact:

Operators who take full advantage of DMO/PMO websites
have higher click through rates to their own website

It is in that spirit that TIANB has teamed up with TAP to deliver training on everything you need to know about maximizing your presence on the the TAP consumer facing website. Sessions start on Monday and continue throughout February and March around the province.
Visit the TIANB news item for more details and the link to register.
Make this your first step to a better online presence.

Monday, February 1, 2010

The very first keynote


I have returned from a week of learning in Montreal. Online Revealed and Canada e-Connect proved enjoyable, insightful, and illuminating.

Right off the bat I'd like to share some high points from the very first keynote, Geoff Ramsey from eMarketer

In the year 2009 there was negative media spending growth, companies spent almost 15% less then previous years.

In the year 2009 there was 1.8 billion dollars spent in online marketing in Canada. That's 89$ per internet user.

So how did they spend so much online with out spending more?

Companies pulled money from their traditional media budgets. Which is something I recommend to clients to finance websites. Pull money from your print budget. Print less, be better online.

If you're interested in a myriad of statistical information visit the eMarketer website and sign up for their free daily newsletter or subscribe.

Stay tuned for more conference tidbits