Wednesday, May 19, 2010

For my followers


Well I've been remiss in my blogging yet again! Don't worry I'm rapping my own knuckles about it. Truth is I've been run off my feet.

I completed 10 mentoring sessions in April alone. I have people calling me wanting to know when I can come to their area. I attended the Atlantic Internet Marketing conference, where was a sponsor. I am right now in the midst of preparing for the TIANB annual conference (if the other staff knew I had time to blog, they'd be sending more tasks my way!).

I know my last post said I was going to talk about Google Analytics, but I've given that more thought and really it's too broad a topic for this little blog. There are whole blogs devoted to that one subject. Basically it's the best free website statistical package out there, and you should definitely sign up for it. If only for the automatic emails that you can set up. Our account sends me the dashboard view once a week via email so I never even log into the application.

The AIM conference in Halifax was great. Two jam packed days of speakers and networking. I have lots of information to share about that, and will start that after we get back from TIANB conference.

The TIANB conference is next week in Edmundston. Roger Brooks is back to talk about product development. And A Couple of Chicks, social media gurus for tourism, are coming as well. I'm excited about bringing the Chicks to the conference and I know everyone is going to go home with lots of social media tips and tricks.

One thing I will share with you ... or anyone who's reading ...

A speaker at the AIM conference said that the Saskatchewan Hospital Home Lottery sent out a text message to all previous home lottery ticket buyers at the start of their annual campaign. The result....

They sold 35,000 of 40,000 tickets!

Imagine selling 90% of your tickets by just letting previous buyers know they are available. The lottery sold out early, everyone got their prizes earlier, they could cancel some TV and radio buys so they made more money. It's a win win.

Technology, it's time to give it serious consideration.