Friday, November 14, 2008


What do Australia and Atlantic Canada have in common ?

Besides the obvious - coastal lands, culture, diversity, and a cloudy British heritage.

We are both desperately trying to educate our Tourism Operators about the benefits of being online !!

The National Online Strategy Committee funded by the the Australian State and Territory Tourism Office offers the same program as Tourism funded by the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency.

So ask yourself - Why am I not taking advantage of this program?

We're not on the leading edge of this issue, we're in the running with all the other nations of the world.

And so you say to me - Well I'm not trying to lure tourists from Australia?

Correct. You're not. But imagine I went to Australia, I live in Nova Scotia and I went to Australia. I booked my entire trip online. It was great, and easy.

Now I want to spend the Labour Day weekend in New Brunswick.

Since I could book Australia online - surely I can book my "backyard" online.

Only I can't. I can't even find your website. And when I do, I can tell it's outdated.

How do I feel about that? I feel the stereotype that Atlantic Canada is behind the times creeping up on me. I feel that whomever I do find on the Internet deserves my business.

How do you feel ??

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