Today's post is all about how blogging can be seen as simply talking to friends about what's new in your life.
For some tourism operators in Atlantic Canada, what's new in your life IS what's new in your business.
Take myself in this example... Have I been putting forward the best blogging content over the past two months? Not really and here's the inside scoop. While during the Day I work tirelessly on tourism issues and technologies, at Night I become the Volunteer Director in charge of putting together all the details for the Fredericton edition of the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure. The event is the first Sunday in October and gets more time consuming as it gets closer to event date.
Day and Night become blurred, technology posts slide, what I think is more critical work comes first.
Dilemmas? Most certainly.
Should I have been upfront with my followers (all three of you) ?
Should I have even confessed to it today?
My exact situation is a little different from yours... my Day and Night job areas were quite far apart. However if I was organizing the "Giant Tourism Festival", then I should definitely have been blogging about every little detail !! That would be an ideal condition for making time to blog.
But I was doing something unrelated to Tourism. My dilemma being, if I mention upfront that posts are going to be sparser, does that incline you to stop coming by? (oops now down to two followers) Or do you take the break for what it is, a break, and take one yourself?
On the other hand, if I just start posting lame content without any rationale, some might think that I've run out of material and stop following me because they have learned all I have to teach (now down to a single follower, and I think that's my mom...)
Something to think about, and there's no right answer. You have to do what's best for you and your blog.
On a work related note, the Tourism program just got it's renewal so I'll be here until 2012 doling out that personal advice. So drop me a line and let me know what technology questions you want to see featured here. beth
Acutally by 2012 blogs will be so 2009 and we'll just have our memories of these bits and bytes.
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