I'm fairly sure no one is reading it but I persist.
If only so I don't have to update my email signature. That's such a pain...
Depending on your business, blogs still have their place, though probably not as separate entities like this one, probably some page on your website that you update a lot during your peak season and periodically the rest of the time.
A lot of the purpose behind the blog has moved to social media. The conversations and interactions take place on Facebook. However Facebook hides behind a user account system, don't just assume all your followers have Facebook accounts. While a blog is out there for all to see and read.
Until we reach the realm of one username and one password for all, we'll always be multiplatform.
Unlike traditional media, there aren't blog or Facebook salespeople who call you up to renew like there are for your radio ads, or print materials or newspaper ads. Internet marketing is all about you; your time, your memory, or a trusted employee.
Here's a couple of posts from 2009 that I thought would be good to read again, or for the first time:
The 12 days of Website Best Practices
Just get the job done
I guess I didn't have anything earth shattering to share in 2010, doesn't surprise me, it was crappy year personally, not professionally
Professionally, I did 24 mentoring sessions, finally meeting project targets. Operators are starting to seek me out, rather then me pestering them. Awesome.
Some really great new tourism sites went up this year.
NB Trails
Auberge Les Jardins
Discover the passage
Festival Western
and I'm sure there's many more. I'm hearing from mentoring session clients every day who are in the process of developing a new site or new social media strategies.
Bring on 2011 !
Happy Holidays :)